Spotify can be a great service for listening to music and many of its users enjoy the perks the Premium subscription option offers.

From being able to turn off shuffle, listen without ads interrupting and being able to download songs to listen offline, there are a fair few benefits.

However, if you don't feel like the service is working for you anymore or you want to cut costs somewhere then you'll need to cancel.

Spotify Premium is free for the first month as you try it out, but it is £10.99 per month after that so if you're looking to reduce the number of subscriptions you have then it might be beneficial to use the free version of the service.

Oxford Mail: Spotify Premium has some benefits such as being able to listen to music without adsSpotify Premium has some benefits such as being able to listen to music without ads (Image: PA)

How to cancel Spotify Premium

It's a simple process to cancel your Spotify Premium plan as you are able to do it from any time on your account page.

This can be done from the Spotify page here once you log in.

After that, you'll need to go to the 'Manage your plan' section and click 'Change plan'.

Scroll to 'Cancel Spotify' after that and simply click 'Cancel Premium'.

Spotify adds: "Your Premium stays until your next billing date, then your account switches to free.

"You keep your playlists and saved music when your account is free. You can also still log in and play with ads."

It is possible that there won't be a 'Change Plan' option if your plan is associated with a partner company (e.g. your mobile or internet provider).

To cancel, find their contact link on your account page, go to 'Manage Plan' and then check 'Payment'.