Well thankfully the last few weeks have been a lot quieter.

Squidge is growing well and i now can feel a foot that sits right near my ribs!! i am so lucky ha ha Since my scare after my 31 week check up nothing else has gone wrong thank god. My blood test results came back that i needed to take iron tablets and i had one week where my blood pressure was high but other than that i have been getting on really well.

I still cant believe that Squidge will be here soon. Its amazing to think that in 2009 all my dreams will come true and that i will finally be a mummy. I still feel like i am floating on a balloon and that this isn't really happening to me and one day someone is going to come along and pop my balloon and i will come back to reality!

This time of year is hard for a lot of people when they are single but being single and pregnant really can be very emotional. Normally i would be out and about going to different party's and having one too many glasses of wine, but this year i just cant wait for it all to be over!! I have been asked by friends and family what presents they can get me? All i keep saying is vouchers as no point in getting new clothes or underwear as it wont fit. It was the same for my birthday as well i couldn't get excited as i had other things to think about, you wake up and suddenly it hits you! this is going to be the last Christmas without child! don't get me wrong i am excited and happy but when it becomes real it sends you into a panic mode! It is hard to describe 21 days and counting now! Pram arrived last week, my bag is now packed just got to sit and wait now!! cant believe how quick it has gone!

Who knows maybe next time i write my diary i will be telling you all about the labour!! now that is scary lol