21 weeks pregnant and things are going great!

I had my scan on Friday and it really was amazing to see how big Squidge had grown in the last 7 weeks.

It was 8.30 in the morning and so I didn’t have long to wait. I was sat there once again with a full bladder and getting very restless when the sonographer called my name.

He asked me to empty my bladder before entering the room?? Why? Apparently he was trained in Australia and they think for the 20 week scan it is better to have an empty bladder because otherwise it can show that the placenta is low and also you don’t enjoy it as much.

Little Squidge was lying on its belly with its legs and arms all curled up underneath. I had never seen a scan before where they are lying like that! Trust mine to be different ha ha All measurements were taken and I was relieved to hear that baby was growing healthily! Thank God!

After the scan, me and mum went to have a look at Prams and car seats! Everything now is becoming so rea!. Everywhere I go people are rubbing my belly and telling me that I am “glowing” at least I know I am not looking as tired as I am feeling!

Movements are getting a lot stronger now. I went out to my local pub at the weekend to listen to a band. I believe that Squidge could hear the music (it was loud enough!) and I was getting so many flutters. It was having a party of its own!!

I don’t think it will be long before I am writing about how I have been kept up all night being kicked in the ribs!! Silly thing is I cant wait!!!